Deploying Tokenetes Service

Tokenetes Service is an open source Transaction Tokens (TraTs) Service, which is responsible for issuing TraTs.

While Tconfigd runs in its own dedicated namespace and is cluster-specific, Tokenetes service operates in the application namespace and must be deployed seperately for different application environments or namespaces.

Please follow the instructions from Tokenetes’s deployment readme to deploy Tokenetes service.

After successfully deploying Tokenetes service, you should be able to see running Tokenetes service pods in the application namespace. For example, below is the running Tokenetes pods from the Tokenetes example application’s dev environment.

kubectl get pod -n alpha-stocks-dev | grep tokenetes


tokenetes-7b89b4f498-6kgd2   1/1     Running   0          22m

Next, proceed to Setting up Tokenetes agents, a sidecar for verifying Transaction Tokens (TraTs).

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